Love N' War Arabian
Arabians Race at Keeneland
Published: 10/11/2010
Hello to all!
October 9, 2010 was a history making day for the Arabian race horse. The first ever Arabian race was held at Keeneland in Kentucky.
To Quote Mairzy Doats Saratoga's Horse racing Blog, "... thanking the people who made this possible: a trade-off with the racing authorities of the UAE (United Arab Emirates) brought about this great day. You see, Keeneland wanted Abu Dhabi to sponsor the $400,000 First Lady (race). "Savvy," as Cap'n Jack Sparrow would utter: the UAE folks said, absolutely--if we can put on a race of Arabians.
Everyone got what they wanted: Keeneland got the First Lady, and fans of Arabian horses get a race named The President of the UAE Cup, a Grade 1 race.